About Ray Sadri.
Ray is on a mission to provide laughs and entertainment through beautifully simple, silly, and often downright bonkers literature. With cats.
He has been a radio journalist, a central government Chief Press Officer, and now runs campaigns in the worlds of politics and business. He lives with his fiancé, two little boys and Norwegian Forest Cat, Mads — who naturally reigns supreme in the family. Ray has realised, after spending many years living with cats and working with politicians, that the two share a great deal in common. They can be intelligent, cunning, cute, and lethal in equal measures. It is this realisation that helped him dream up the concept of Cat Society.
A special thank you to:
alexisemerald for the social media animations; jonwhitefm for the voice overs; Nicholas Child for the illustrations; Cornerstones Literary Consultancy and in particular Jonathan Eyers for the developmental editing; and The Book Guild for publishing Cat Society.